Focus Insight Flow
Mushrooms, Ceremonial Cacao & Botanicals

Handmade in small batches
Contains 80g

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  • Every serving contains:

    1.5 g lion’s mane extract, 1.5 g cordyceps extract

    With dandelion root, rosemary, fennel seeds, bay laurel leaves, coriander seeds, ceremonial grade cacao, palmyra fruit nectar, anchiote, corn maize, tonka beans, salt

    Made using our superior quality mushroom extract range

    Naturally vegan and free of gluten, dairy and soy

    Made in a kitchen that handles nuts

  • The quickest way to prepare it is by adding hot water and blitzing with a hand blender. Otherwise you can gently simmer it on the hob, stirring until it thickens. Myco blends contain ceremonial grade full fat cacao and therefore are not an instant drink.

  • Each blend is clearly suited to particular needs and occasions, where they can enhance or support different experiences, especially if you create a ritual around it. Each serving invites a certain type of energy into your day and the contents of a jar have the potential to transform an area of your life. If you approach a jar with an open heart and intention, ready to see what unfolds, you may notice it doing its magic beyond the days when you directly consumed it. You may also refine your intention with each ritual and at the end of a jar experience a shift towards greater sense of direction and alignment. This cycle of transformation can take different forms for each person and there are many ways to approach this journey. You may intuit to have it every day or once a week, or leave two to three days in between. While there would be no danger associated with daily use, giving it two to three days in between preserves cacao’s blissful effects, which diminish with daily use. This interval also protects against any potentially negative effects that the stimulant action of cacao may have over sensitive adrenals. It is for you to tune into the wisdom of these fungi and plants, and check with yourself what best serves your body and purpose.
    If you would like to combine this with taking mushrooms on a more continual basis to reap their cumulative effects, we offer them in capsules and loose powder. Please reach out if you need extra information or support.

  • The above description of possible effects is the result of a personal relationship to these ingredients, grounded in folk wisdom that has been empirically corroborated by contemporary medical herbalists. It stems from an understanding of medicinal plants’ healing power as deeper and broader than individual constituents’ actions demonstrated in a lab. The way plants and mushrooms will speak to you and how you will feel your body respond to them is unique to you, and every experience is valid. Every journey is different and we are excited to hear about yours!
    The way we like to work with plants and fungi is by allowing them to speak to us through our bodies, and nudge us back into balance by teaching us about ourselves and how to access the healing we need within. They are not here to fix us: they are allies that walk our paths with us.

  • Cacao being a stimulant, we recommend consuming this drink in the morning, but people’s responses vary depending on constitution and habits. If you consume coffee or dark chocolate daily, you may find that having it later in the day does not affect your sleep.

  • Abstaining from coffee (ideally for five days ahead of starting Myco) will enhance your experience and allow for a deeper connection.

    If you have difficulties with that, our cordyceps mushroom extract can act as a substitute.

  • Speak to your healthcare practitioner if you are on any prescribed medication or if you are pregnant.

    Naturally vegan and free of gluten, dairy and soy.
    Made in a kitchen that handles nuts.

Our Clarity blend contains lion’s mane, which encourages the production of NGF - a protein essential for brain cell repair and development - and cordyceps, an energy booster and neuroprotector. Because lion’s mane also improves myelination, which increases the speed of synaptic transmission, it helps keep us mentally sharp. Meanwhile, cordyceps prevents oxidative damage and has been proven to upregulate brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and reduce inflammation in the hippocampus, a part of the brain that plays a major role in learning and memory.

The botanicals in this blend share a particular alliance with the digestive system and the brain. The gut is also known as the enteric brain due to the astounding number of neurons it contains, and the role the microbiota has on mental function and emotional balance. It comes as no surprise then that all of these herbs have been used for millennia for their clarifying and uplifting effects on the mind, as well as for supporting digestion: the two are intertwined. These herbs also have the potential to help release old patterns of behaviour arising from the trauma and ancestral wounds that can be held in the gut.

About Our Clarity Blend

The Clarity Team

Dandelion root supports liver and gallbladder function, which clears out stagnation and mental fog and can aid in breaking through feelings of stuckness. It contains a prebiotic called inulin that supports a healthy gut microbiome. Dandelion is one of the quintessential wild medicines of these lands, and its properties are so diverse that it recently demonstrated neuroprotective effects against Alzheimer’s disease in scientific studies.

Dandelion invites us to be fully present here and now, to see the new opportunities and endless possibilities that emerge at each turn, releasing whatever is weighing us down and holding us back from moving out of our comfort zones. The sacred geometry of its seed heads points to its ability to help us recognise perfect timing and synchronicity within the apparent chaos of existence — ultimately overcoming the default mode of responding to that which escapes our control with anxiety. It instils positivity, persistence and determination, as observed in this plant’s character: dandelion is seen springing up from any crack in concrete, insistently unfurling its bright yellow flowers at the very start of spring, when all is still grey.

Rosemary’s use as a cognitive enhancer, increasing recall and focus, has been supported by contemporary research and features in texts from ancient Persia to Shakespeare, who referred to it as a “herb of remembrance”. Its sharp aroma and invigorating spiciness also make it helpful in overcoming coffee addiction. It is an enduring evergreen with pointed, needle shaped leaves - and the harsher its growing environment, the stronger its aroma and therapeutic potential.

Bay laurel leaves were used in the oracle of Delphi to enhance psychic abilities and have a long history of folk use in divination, clairvoyance, and as potentiator in ritual. The laurel wreath is a symbol of wisdom and achievement. Being widely associated with prosperity and luck, bay may be used as a catalyst in manifesting our ambitions and goals by aligning us to our higher selves and the unified field from which all that exists ultimately comes.

Fennel was believed by ancient Greeks to instil courage in soldiers going into battle, a property that can be transferred to our contemporary fears of public speaking and visibility. Besides helping memory recall, it is clarifying and uplifting in a relaxing way, so that we are able to express ourselves more calmly and clearly, while adding an element of playfulness and joy to the challenge. Its ancient use indicates that it also supports us in daring to be vulnerable, the place from which we can be most authentic and captivating. And we dare say that by sweetening the breath, it may well help one’s powers of persuasion too! It no doubt brings inspiration to any creative endeavour.

Herbal wisdom

The above description of possible effects is the result of a personal relationship to these ingredients, grounded in folk wisdom that has been empirically corroborated by contemporary medical herbalists. It stems from an understanding of medicinal plants’ healing power as deeper and broader than individual constituents’ actions demonstrated in a lab. The way plants and mushrooms will speak to you and how you will feel your body respond to them is unique to you, and every experience is unique. We are excited to hear about yours!

The way we like to work with plants and fungi is by allowing them to speak to us through our bodies, and nudge us back into balance by teaching us about ourselves and how to access the healing we need within. They are not here to fix us: they are allies that walk our paths with us.