Renewal Resilience Protection

Mushrooms, Ceremonial Cacao & Botanicals

Handmade in small batches
Contains 80g

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This blend is helpful in preventing colds and flus in the cold seasons as well as helping restore good health when they catch us. Rather than suppress symptoms of a disease process, our immunity blend enhances immune response, promotes the body’s natural detoxification, regenerates and restores to ensure they’re no longer vulnerable to bacteria and viruses.

  • Every serving contains:
    1.5g Cordyceps
    1g Turkey tail
    With elderberry, rosehip, angelica root, elecampane root, ginger, thyme, ceremonial cacao, palmyra fruit nectar, cinnamon, cardamom, allspice, star anise, liquorice, achiote, corn maize, tonka beans, salt

    Naturally vegan and free of gluten, dairy and soy.
    Made in a kitchen that handles nuts.

  • The quickest way to prepare it is by adding hot water and blitzing with a hand blender. Otherwise you can gently simmer it on the hob, stirring until it thickens. Myco blends contain ceremonial grade full fat cacao and therefore are not an instant drink.

  • Each blend is clearly suited to particular needs and occasions, where they can enhance or support different experiences, especially if you create a ritual around it. Each serving invites a certain type of energy into your day and the contents of a jar have the potential to transform an area of your life. If you approach a jar with an open heart and intention, ready to see what unfolds, you may notice it doing its magic beyond the days when you directly consumed it. You may also refine your intention with each ritual and at the end of a jar experience a shift towards greater sense of direction and alignment. This cycle of transformation can take different forms for each person and there are many ways to approach this journey. You may intuit to have it every day or once a week, or leave two to three days in between. While there would be no danger associated with daily use, giving it two to three days in between preserves cacao’s blissful effects, which diminish with daily use. This interval also protects against any potentially negative effects that the stimulant action of cacao may have over sensitive adrenals. It is for you to tune into the wisdom of these fungi and plants, and check with yourself what best serves your body and purpose.
    If you would like to combine this with taking mushrooms on a more continual basis to reap their cumulative effects, we offer them in capsules and loose powder. Please reach out if you need extra information or support.

  • The above description of possible effects is the result of a personal relationship to these ingredients, grounded in folk wisdom that has been empirically corroborated by contemporary medical herbalists. It stems from an understanding of medicinal plants’ healing power as deeper and broader than individual constituents’ actions demonstrated in a lab. The way plants and mushrooms will speak to you and how you will feel your body respond to them is unique to you, and every experience is valid. Every journey is different and we are excited to hear about yours!
    The way we like to work with plants and fungi is by allowing them to speak to us through our bodies, and nudge us back into balance by teaching us about ourselves and how to access the healing we need within. They are not here to fix us: they are allies that walk our paths with us.

  • Cacao being a stimulant, we recommend consuming this drink in the morning, but people’s responses vary depending on constitution and habits. If you consume coffee or dark chocolate daily, you may find that having it later in the day does not affect your sleep.

  • Abstaining from coffee (ideally for five days ahead of starting Myco) will enhance your experience and allow for a deeper connection.
    If you have difficulties with that, our cordyceps mushroom extract can act as a substitute.

About Our Immunity Blend

Our immunity blend contains turkey tail and cordyceps. Turkey tail is one of the mushrooms that contain the highest concentration of beta-glucans, the compound present in all mushrooms that strongly activates the immune system. Both turkey tail and cordyceps also have anti-inflammatory action can soothe inflammatory and allergic reactions associated with colds and flus. Additionally, cordyceps increases lung capacity, alleviating shortness of breath and improving oxygen intake. It also provides endurance by increasing ATP, a molecule that our cells use for generating energy.

In traditional herbalism, illnesses are considered healing crisis. It is not taken for granted that microorganisms cause disease, but rather that depleted states provide fertile ground for them to thrive. Often it is when we slow down that the body grasps the opportunity to regenerate and cleanse. In wintertime illnesses provide an opportunity to attune to what this point in the cycle of the seasons asks of us: downtime and going inwards. We like taking the opportunity to tune into what our bodies are purging, what we’re leaving behind in this cycle to make room for what we’ll conjure for the one ahead. It is believed that in Celtic traditions, winter was the dreamtime to envision the future.

Angelica and elecampane have very different chemical constituents but very similar and complementing actions. Both are strong aromatic expectorants capable of expelling old lingering catarrh from past infections. They also act on the lymphoid tissue helping process toxic materials and produce adaptive immune cells.

In traditional Chinese medicine and ayurveda, the digestion is seen as dependent on a healthy internal fire, which allows the digestive system to assimilate nutrients. In both ancient systems, it is understood that an impaired digestion cannot assimilate nutrients into life force, but instead will generate toxins. Both are vibrant sunny plants that rekindle our internal fire, providing warmth and ensuring the ability to process and transform what we take in, eliminate waste products and activate will power and creative force. Both have aromatic oils that promote good digestion and have antimicrobial and antiparasitic action. Elecampane contains inulin, a soluble fibre that feeds our gut microbiota, which is vital to our immunity. This is a great example of how the immune system is not a wall that keeps microorganisms out, it is a complex balance between many factors that include friendly bacteria.

In the middle ages, both angelica and elecampane were used as protective amulets and sprinkled around the house to avert negative influences. Angelica is associated with the archangel Michael, who slays the dragon. This blend embodies this warrior. Not the common understanding of this word, evoking fighting an external enemy, but rather the archetypal warrior, grounded in internal strength and resilience, discipline and courage to fight internal battles, sovereignty over own body and energy field, who’s tenacity stems from the unwavering alignment to cosmos and earth.

Elderberry is a potent anti-viral against influenza that reduces the duration and intensity of flu symptoms. Its anti-catarrhal action is due to its ability to correct the shape and function of the cells lining mucous membranes, assuring that their capacity to expel catarrh is restored.

Long ago, the elder tree was referred to as elder mother, because of how generous this plant is. Its medicine is so powerful and effective that it used to be against the law to cut down elder trees, as the survival through winter of many could rely on a single tree. The mother title may also refer to the folk understanding of elder as a matriarch of all plants, the one to make offerings to, and in any case one to never fail to greet, so that she would ensure the abundant growth of all medicine and food crops. Elder also embodies the crone aspect of the triple goddess, associated with magic, healing, death and rebirth. Here death implies not a literal one, but the constant cycle of renewal that rules nature as well as all our own physical and psychic processes. As the tree of life, or the tree of knowledge, she guards the descent into the darkness of our own inner mysteries, where we can hear the voice of our ancestors and from where new life arises.